How to Use a Printable Weight Loss Graph to Motivate Yourself
When it comes to losing weight, most people are looking for a weight loss graph or weight loss reminder. But what is the best way to lose weight? A great way is by creating your own chart and charting your progress. You should be tracking how many calories you are consuming, the amount of exercise you are doing, and the food that you are eating. But there is a lot more to weight loss than tracking these things.
Research shows that regularly weighing yourself helps greatly with prevention and successful weight loss. But if you are one of the unlucky people (like myself) who gets into a serious tailspin when the scale suddenly reads 80 pounds, then weighing just once a week would probably be a better idea. One of the biggest things we are scared of when dieting is gaining weight, so keeping a weight loss graph will help keep you on track. I also recommend that you track your food consumption, because this will help you see where you may be falling short of what you should be eating.
You can make your own weight loss graph using an electronic or analog scale. If you are like me, you might think that weighing yourself every week would defeat the purpose of working out. But a weight loss graph actually forces you to evaluate your weekly progress by tracking your weight loss goals. It makes you really evaluate how well you are progressing. After all, isn't that what we are all looking for when embarking on any weight loss journey?
Visualize a weight loss graph that looks something like this: purple means that you are on track, yellow is moving forward, and red is falling behind. Think about what these colors mean. Are you struggling to meet one weight loss goal? Maybe you don't even want to diet! Red means you need to work harder and eat more! If this describes you, then you need to make some changes!
All you need is a Microsoft excel spreadsheet. You can download a free excel spreadsheet from the internet. All you need to do is copy and paste your weight loss graph into the blank slate in the excel spreadsheet. Next, add a few more columns for information about your weekly progress and you are done! You can use the same format for other weight loss goals.
To keep track of progress over the long term, you may want to create a file called a healthy weight range chart. This will allow you to graphically display your healthy weight range. Use colors that will inspire you. If you are going through a rough patch, bright green and orange will give you a sense of direction and motivation. If you are feeling better, use pastels and light yellow or pink. If you are making steady headway, black is an excellent choice.
If you need motivation, you can draw a three stone figure on a piece of paper. Draw a little bit on each of your lost pounds and attach a motivating quote to it. Tell yourself that you can do it. Add a reward at the end to reinforce this idea and repeat it in your head over again. Once you have your weight loss graph in place, this is a great way to reinforce your commitment to your new healthy lifestyle!
If you like doing things by yourself, you can create your own printable weight loss graph using Microsoft excel. Use it for exactly what it says - to print graphs. Get started now!
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